Yard Waste Management


Yard Waste Collection

Yard Waste Collection 

Curb-side pick up will typically begin in April and run through the fall, weather permitting. Fall collection will include additional dates. 

Yard waste will be picked up Monday each week. All items must be placed at the curb by 6am Monday. 

Collection times may vary. Village of Dakota employees work collection times around the schedules of their primary employment. 

Yard waste must be in lawn and leaf paper bags, or bundled into a garbae can that will be emptied at time of collection. No plastic bags. 

Items that may be included in yard waste include grass clippings, leaves, flowers, plants, garden waste, shrubs, twigs and small limbs. 

Small limbs and bundled branches must be less than 4 feet in length and weigh less than 75 pounds. They should be placed neatly at the curb. 

The Village will only pick up reasonable amounts of yard waste. All removal of items are at the discretion of the Dakota Maintenance Department. 

For larger items or additional questions, please contact the Dakota Village Hall.