Community Hall
The Dakota Community Hall, located at 207 S West St., is over-sought by the Village of Dakota as part of a nonprofit agreement with the Dakota Township. While rental fees are not required, donations are appreciated to help with the cleaning and general maintenance of the building.
Reservations can be made by emailing the Village of Dakota at:
Please review checklist before renting hall and when leaving facility
- Please provide your own towels, and table linens.
- Turn heat to 60 and turn off A/C when not in use
- Leave bathroom doors open
- Make sure stove and oven are off
- Tables and chairs are to be put away
- Wash and dry dishes and put away
- Clean kitchen and remove garbage
- Turn off all lights
- Remove and dispose of your own garbage. Garbage is not to remain in the hall
- Make sure front and back doors are locked
Place donations in envelope at Dakota Village Hall 112 Main St .
There is a locked box for water payments or place in the slot on the door
If any issues arrise while reserved, please contact Village Maintenance (815) 908-0486
Contact Info
Dakota Community Hall
207 S. West St
Dakota, Ill 61018

Dakota Community Hall